[written originally for the Creator Camp internal principles]

All creative and independent people are what we call “delusional optimists”. Think about it, to try to become a creative or an entrepreneur you gotta be kind of crazy. The odds are stacked against you at every point in the journey. However, what makes us special is that we just keep trying. Bulldoze right through every boundary that pops out in front of us.

Parents disapproval? BOOM

Running out of money? I’LL FIGURE IT OUT

Not seeing success? I’LL KEEP GOING

I’ll admit, a lot of times it does go a bit far. However, nothing great would have been accomplished without optimism.

That intangible feeling that got man on the moon, that coursed through Jim Ryun’s veins as he broke the 4 minute mile for the first time, that spark that drove a kid from Akron Ohio to pick up a basketball for the first time, we all have equal access to that same feeling-

and it’s our superpower