Let me ask you a question - how do u know when a chapter of your life is over?

I mean yes, some are obvious like your first year of college or starting your first full-time job, but what if it feels like things changed suddenly between all those things. No longer presented to you through a medium of a social construct, but a matter-of-fact, mid-afternoon, realization that you aren’t the same person as you used to be.

Catching yourself acting in a different way, saying things you used to think were absurd, or just looking around and realizing that nothing is the same anymore.

“do you think as you get older life gets more dull?”

Burnout comes as expected now, no longer in tandem with an existential crisis or sob story, but it’s reality. You just kind of deal with it and move on, maybe start doing yoga or something. Go outside more, less of a spectacle to it all, because I catch myself asking who cares?

The color of life no longer presents itself on a platter, but a coloring book that you have to fill in yourself, a set of parameters that you can make yours. Scarlett red or sandstone shades of beige.

The same mid-afternoon realization that I’m not the wide-eyed kid who’s in his coming of age story anymore, that same kid who dreamed of leaving his hometown one day and taking the leap to chase his dreams, the main character to his own story, I mean when I think about it now, doesn’t it all just sound narcissistic?