SunnyDay: Outdoor Coffee & Matcha


It took an entire roadtrip across the country for my brain to finally understand just how powerful nature can be. Since then, it’s been a non-stop goal of mine to find moments of peace in nature whenever possible.

Whether it’s a spell of anxiety, loneliness, or just needing to clear my mind - nature has always been a huge part of what I create. For the longest time my content was solely centered around mental health. I would create endless pieces of content on anxiety, depression, trying to find a way to push the needle forward. From hosting a discord server through covid with mental health support, starting a brand to raise funds for non-profits, it seemed like everything I was pursuing was checking the boxes. However, below the surface I had come to understand that this was a much more complex issue than I had thought.

Realizing that I was creating echo-chambers, I began to shift my content towards what had helped me, highlighting my own personal journey through what I was facing, prioritizing sharing parts of myself and personal anecdotes.

Nothing has been more impactful to my own mental health than nature, it’s been the single grounding force that brings peace through all the chaos and in my mind - the best way to help anyone is to continue promoting the outdoors. So when SunnyDay came up, it was a no brainer. Teaming up with a mentor and incredible team, we officially launched SunnyDay in late 2023 - better caffeine, better for the planet, better for your mind. A community of outdoor adventurers and way to promote a lifestyle that brings you outside more.

A whole year of work was put into this company before it ever launched and I’m so beyond proud of every part of it - it’s truly done the right way.

i started a coffee company.

Creator Camp: Making the internet a better place through connecting artists.